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31.03.2023 Indonesia Day in MGIMO-University of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation.

On march 31, 2023 the members of International Relations Committee chaired by Natalya Baranuk has taken the part in the Indonesian Day in The Moscow State Institute of International Relations organized by the ASEAN Centre and the embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Moscow.

This year Indonesia chairs the ASEAN Association. The country is one of the founders of the ASEAN countries with dynamically developing economy and active participant of the international processes.

The «Russia — Indonesia: the Way Forward to the Better Future» session has been held during which the parties have made the following conclusion: Russia and Indonesia are becoming the perspective market and economical partners for long-term mutual relations.Russia is the country with complying positions under global issues with important Asia-Pacific/Indo-Pacific Indonesia partner. 

During the meeting Natalya Baranuk the Head of the NCSA International Relations Committee, Jose Antonio Morato Tavares Ambassador and Ekaterina Koldunova Director of the ASEAN Centre in MGIMO-University, Director, Ph.D. (Cand. Polit. Sc.) in Political Science, Associate Professor have been raising the issues of opportunities of Indonesian government bodies, professional and business associations to take its participation in the NCSA projects concerning corporate governance.

His Excellency Ambassador expressed the interest to potential cooperation between the NCSA and several Indonesian governmental structures in corporate governance.


NCSA International Relations Committee conducted an overview study of corporate legislation and corporate governance in Vietnam

The National Corporate Secretaries Association sees the creation of values and prospects for the development of corporate governance in Russia as one of its goals. Since an important task on the way to achieving this goal is to study the world experience in this area, the NCSA – International Relations Committee conducted an overview study of corporate legislation and corporate governance in Vietnam.

In modern conditions, no state in the world can exist in isolation, and therefore companies must be ready to enter international markets for products, services and investments. Vietnam is no exception, so the business community needs to study relevant world practices and implement them taking into account national characteristics and interests.

One of the areas of improvement — corporate governance — is the most important tool for ensuring the sustainability of companies and their long-term successful development.

Corporate legislation and corporate governance in Vietnam are, in general, at the stage of formation, which can be considered, among other things, as a positive factor that makes it possible to determine the most effective direction of future development. At the same time, quite a long way has been passed since 1986, and many stages of this path make the development of corporate law and governance in Vietnam similar to similar processes that took place in Russia around the same time period.

The main features of corporate governance in Vietnam companies

Concentrated ownership – many companies are owned by a single controlling shareholder, family members, or a small group of shareholders
Insufficient separation of ownership and control — controlling shareholders are often also the CEO of the company and/or are on its board of directors
A controlling stake in companies belonging to the most significant sectors of the economy often belongs to the state
Large holding structures, especially in the public sector
The growing experience of members of management bodies, the increasing individualization of corporate governance systems of individual companies

These features lead to a decrease in supervisory activities and transparency, complication of corporate processes, and as a result — a certain decrease in the investment attractiveness of companies. At the same time, shareholders keep better control, the security of their assets is increased, which is quite justified, taking into account the processes currently taking place in the international sphere.

It is generally recognized that corporate governance plays a crucial role in emerging markets, where the legal framework is relatively new and investors, in addition to the legal remedies provided, need to carefully evaluate the mechanisms provided by the corporate governance system of a particular company. And this is a positive factor for the development of Vietnam’s stock market, since even minor improvements in corporate governance can be of great importance to investors.

Vietnamese companies need to improve corporate governance, including increasing transparency, strengthening investor protection and improving regulatory mechanisms, paying special attention to maintaining a balance between integration into international investment processes and protecting their national interests.

Professional associations, such as the National Corporate Secretaries Association, traditionally play an important role in promoting the best practices of corporate governance in many countries, which means that similar experience can be effectively applied in Vietnam.

The ways of developing corporate law and governance in Vietnam and Russia are similar in a number of ways — the exchange of experience is relevant for our countries. Successful adaptation and application of this experience, taking into account national peculiarities, can positively affect the development of stock markets and improve the investment attractiveness of companies in both countries.


Фильм об А.С.Семенове


XVI Форум НОКС пройдет 7-8 июля

7 и 8 июля 2022 определены датами проведения XVI Международного форума корпоративных секретарей НОКС

Это уникальное событие, бессменно организуемое Национальным объединением корпоративных секретарей, впервые было проведено в 2007 году.

За 16 лет Форум завоевал статус ведущей российской площадки для обсуждения ключевых вопросов корпоративного управления, обмена практиками и компетенциями в целях обеспечения устойчивого развития,  а также для диалога, поиска и развития деловых контактов.

Среди традиционных участников Форума  – представители государственной власти, регулирующих органов и общественных организаций, ведущие консультанты и обладающие эксклюзивным опытом эксперты-практики –  профессионалы высочайшего уровня в сфере корпоративного управления.

В этом году предусмотрен как очный, так и заочный формат участия. 

Деловая программа Форума будет традиционно посвящена вопросам актуальных международных и российских практик корпоративного управления. 

К участию в Форуме приглашаются: 

  • руководители департаментов корпоративного управления
  • корпоративные секретари
  • корпоративные юристы
  • секретари советов директоров
  • члены советов директоров
  • консультанты в сфере корпоративного права и управления

Новая реальность диктует нам необходимость действовать сообща, вместе искать решения для противостояния глобальным вызовам – ждем Вас на Форуме!

Подробная информация и регистрация 


Annual International Conference of NCSA

VIII Annual Conference of Corporate Secretaries

Improving the Corporate Governance System: Focus on Shareholders

December 22, 2021 Moscow, Russia
10.00 am – 1.00 pm, Moscow Time


  • Interaction with shareholders: digital technologies to help
  • The problem of “deadwood voters” in the registry: seeking a way out 
  • Corporate secretary: a point to trust. Life hacks from doers and experts of corporate governance
  • Following the results of the Conference 2020: on methodological recommendations to assess the effectiveness of the Corporate secretary


December 22, 2021

10.00 am – 1.00 pm, Moscow Time


Oleg Tsvetkov

Сhairman of the Board, NCSA
Managing director – Corporate Secretary

Ashish Garg

Immediate Past President, ICSI

President, CSIA

Alexander Shevchuk

Executive Director, Association of professional investors

Tamara Merebashvili

Deputy General Director, Corporate Secretary, Inter RAO

Svetlana Antonova

First Deputy Head of the Department for Property Management and Corporate Relations, Gazprom

Maria Klimashevskaya

Corporate Secretary, Yandex N.V

Vladimir Hotkin

Head of Shareholders’ Interaction Service, VTB Bank

Dmitriy Golovkin

Deputy Head of the Department for Interaction with Securities Market Participants, National Settlement Depository (NSD)

Vitaliy Korolev

President of the North-West Center for Corporate Governance, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Brusnika

Olga Eppel

 Corporate Secretary, Ingosstrakh 

Maria Pogulyak

Executive Director, STATUS

All rights reserved

Head of training programs
Alla Kovalenko
+7 (926) 590-42-55


Webinar. Corporate Secretaries – Enhancing Collaboration Globally


Corporate Secretaries – Enhancing Collaboration Globally

NOVEMBER 10, 2021

3 pm – 5 pm (IST)
12.30 pm – 2.30 pm (Moscow Time)


  • Corporate Secretary and the Corporate Secretaries Association: Today and Tomorrow
  • Trends Corporate Governance regulation
  • Corporate Secretary and ESG agenda


November 10, 2021

3 pm – 5 pm (IST)

12.30 pm – 2.30 pm (Moscow Time)


Oleg Tsvetkov

Сhairman of the Board, NCSA
Managing director – Corporate Secretary

Alexander Kamenskiy

Director of the Corporate Governance Department- Corporate Secretary

Natalia Podolskaya

Corporate Secretary

Mr. Mohaveer Singhvi

Joint Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India

CS Nagendra D. Rao


The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI)

CS Ashish Garg

Immediate Past President, The ICSI & President, CSIA

All rights reserved

Head of training programs
Alla Kovalenko
+7 (926) 590-42-55


Working Group on Sustainable Development and ESG

Working Group on Sustainable Development and ESG

NCSA platform to promote BEST PRACTICE and strengthen the role of the CORPORATE SECRETARY in the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT system

December 2021
17:30 - 19:00
Online on ZOOM platform
NCSA members only


meeting of the Working Group on September 28, 2021

1.Recommendations of the Bank of Russia on the disclosure of non-financial information
Elena Kuritsyna, Director of the Corporate Relations Department, Bank of Russia
Yakushin Andrey, Head of the Corporate Relations Development Department
Department of Corporate Relations, Bank of Russia

2. Guidelines for the issuer: how to comply with the best Sustainable Development practices. Role of the Moscow Exchange
Loginova Natalya, Director of the Issuer Relations Department, PJSC Moscow Exchange

3. ESG policy of PJSC Sberbank. Supervisory Board as a driver of the ESG agenda
Oleg Tsvetkov, Corporate Secretary and Managing Director, Sberbank PJSC, Chairman of the NCSA Board
4. About ESEF digital reporting: current requirements and perspectives.
Andrey Kozhevnikov, Founder and Managing Partner of Zebra Corporate Communications

Материалы рабочей группы от 27 мая 2021

NCSA Mobile App

Tidings and announcements of new events, clubs’ materials and conference’ programs, chats with colleagues and questions to experts – all of this you will find in NCSA Mobile App

Executive Director
Angelika Granitsa
tel: +7 925 082 65 57
Head of training programs
Alla Kovalenko
tel: +7 926 590-42-55

Join Us!


office 322, bld 3, 38, Narodnogo Opolcheniya str., Moscow

Executive Director 
Angelika Granitsa

Head of training programs
Alla Kovalenko

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Oleg Tsvetkov

Managing Director and Corporate Secretary of Sberbank PJSC since 2014, Chairman of the Board of National Corporate Secretaries Association (NCSA).
Corporate governance expert committee at the Central Bank of Russia.
Member of the Supervisory Board of the Professional Directors Association (IDA).
Leader of the rating of Corporate Governance Directors of the TOP – 1000 RUSSIAN MANAGERS in 2009-2013 (metallurgical sector), 2016, 2018 – 2019 and 2021 (banking sector).

Alexander Kamenskiy

Corporate Secretary of PJSC Moscow Exchange since 2013.
Member of the NCSA Board since 2014.
Leader of the rating of Corporate Governance Directors of the TOP – 1000 RUSSIAN MANAGERS in 2017 and 2021 (financial sector).

Natalia Podolskaya

Corporate Secretary of PJSC LUKOIL since 2016. 2002–2016 – Chief Specialist of LUKOIL Board of Directors Office.
Currently Natalia is a member of the National Corporate Secretaries Association (NCSA) and Head of NCSA Working Group on Sustainable Development and ESG.
In 2020 Natalia Podolskaya won the Corporate Governance Director/ Corporate Secretary category of the DIRECTOR OF THE YEAR XV National Award, which was organized by the Association of Professional Directors (IDA) and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in partnership with PwC, Sberbank and PJSC Moscow Exchange.