The maximum interest of the participants of the XVI NCSA Forum was aroused by the international session: Corporate Governance: INTERNATIONAL PRACTICE
Representatives of Turkey, Iran, China and Panama took part in the Forum for the first time.
Speakers’ speeches: Alper AYKHAN (Republic of Turkey), Abbas Mirzai GAZI (Islamic Republic of Iran), Mak Foo (People’s Republic of China), Milton CHAMBONETT (Republic of Panama) laid the foundation for acquaintance with the corporate governance practices of these states previously unknown to the Russian professional community: similarities and differences from traditional models and national features of corporate governance, experience in developing and maintaining corporate governance during the economic crisis.
As the speakers of various sessions of the Forum of Corporate Secretaries have repeatedly emphasized, it is now more important than ever to find ways to improve the efficiency of companies when faced with new challenges, to find convincing arguments for investors and all stakeholders about the continued long-term priority of taking into account their interests.
Therefore, such an exchange of practices has a great future!